Hot Ideas

  • 23

    Disallow registering devices with the same name to avoid double registrations leading to double pushes problems

    Disallow registering devices with the same name to avoid double registrations leading to double pushes problems. 

  • 28

    Improve Device Naming

    James Coyle · 1 · Last reply by kori zamora

    Device naming is currently really annoying IMO so here is how I'd fix it.

    • Prevent devices receiving the same name.
    • Expand grouping system to allow custom groups.
    • Add device auto naming system based on device group. 

    Preventing duplicate names is a good idea as it's currently possible to get into a situation where you have two devices named the same and can't push to just one of them. While its great you can push to multiple devices, there are better ways to implement this functionality. Custom groups would allow devices to be grouped more logically than the current name-them-all-the-same tactic. 

  • 34

    Ability to choose where to place "Join files" folder in Google Drive?

    jmath · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    Be able to choose to move the "Join files" folder in Google Drive from "My Drive" to another folder in My Drive, such that it would be "My Drive" > "Some Example Folder Name" > "Join files".

    I use Google Drive for everything I do on my computer, navigating folders constantly on my computer throughout my day, and having another folder for Join is really frustrating. I would like to be able to hide it within my "Misc" folder to remove clutter.

  • 3

    Join should support Google Messages encrypted chats

    Dan Christensen · 1 · Last reply by Dan Christensen

    New Android devices often have Google Messages as the default SMS app, and it uses encryption and a data channel when you send messages to someone also using Google Messages.  An incoming message of this form seems to be ignored by Join:  no notification is sent to my other devices.  Can Join be taught to see these messages and make them available on other devices?  Could it at least see the notification on my phone, and notify other devices about the message (without producing two notifications for every old-fashioned SMS message that arrives)?

  • 4

    Make Join SMSes compatible with RCS (Samsung's advanced messaging).

    Francis Guindon · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    We can only send SMS'es as of right now and I do not see RCS messages. Would be great if I could see them since it's impossible to conversate unless the other person sends me a SMS instead of an advanced message/RCS.


  • 72

    Automatically delete sent files from Drive after they've been downloaded on receiving device

    Cyc · 5 · Last reply by H

    When sending something from device A to device B, the files will be stored indefinitely in my Google Drive unless I manually delete them. Would be great if the file storage were only temporary, i.e. if the files were auto-removed as soon as the receiving device had successfully downloaded them.

  • 29

    Open source the Windows 10 app

    Austin · 2 · Last reply by MassCrusade

    I noticed that the Chrome extension and the Firefox extension are open source, but the Windows 10 app is not.

    I understand why it's not a priority, I can't imagine the W10 app has nearly as many users as the Chrome extension. I feel like the Windows 10 app needs work and I would be willing to contribute to the project.

  • 6

    support for Polestar 2 (AAOS)

    Hal Levison · 0 · Posted


      I am wondering whether it would be possible to support my car,  the Polestar 2.  It runs a version of Android called Android Automotive OS.   People have found that it can be quite easy to port existing apps to that platform.   Getting email notifications on my car, would be very useful.    Thanks.