restore purchase
add a button to 'restore purchase' from google play on the unlock/payment screen
Join Desktop - Share file from Windows Explorer
The Windows 10 App had one good option : share a file to any device from the windows explorer. It would be good if this option could be added to Join Desktop for a seemless integration with Windows. It's much better from a UX point of view to share a file from where it is rather than opening join and then sending the file from it.
Hope you can consider it :)
Turn on phone from PC
Turn on phone from PC chrome extension. Is this not possible?
Local Connection File Transfer
Currently, sending files requires uploading and then downloading from Google Drive.
However, a local connection seems far more efficient.
For example, if both devices are connected to the same network then it will be a simple local connection transfer. It will be faster since it won't require upload and it will also download using the wireless speed.
And if it detects that the devices aren't using the same connection then it can be either a pop-up triggers to notify that it will require remote transfer, or it can happen automatically.
Local connection can be used in various
Google Login without Google Play Services
I would like to use on Huawei device which doesn't have GMS. Please refactor to use web-based Google Sign-In on devices without GMS.
You can do it like this: https://github.com/anotherdev/firebase-auth-rest/pull/9/files
Join Desktop Actions from CMD
If it's possible I wished Join can perform push notifications from Cmd e.g Join.exe pushmsg -devicename -msg
For now I had autoit to perform relevant mouseclicks and keystrokes after a file transfer was finished, for example.
A cmd command will make notification/pushes cleaner and not as shady when NOT afk hahah
notifications turned on as standard on phone
it is really annoying having to turn on each app notification permission individually on your phone and having to remember to go in and switch them on whenever you install a new app. can you have an option to have notifications switched ON as standard and then just be able to go in and switch OFF the annoying ones instead?
Open pushed notifications in Chrome web (extension)
Allow notifications that are pushed from mobile device to be opened in desktop/web Chrome. Currently, when notifications are pushed to Chrome extension, clicking on the notification opens the link on the source device. I think it would be more useful to open the link on the device currently being used (PC Chrome in this instance).
Widget for android 4.4.4 that shows your notifications
I have an android head unit and would love a widget that i could place on home screen to see notification. this would save reaching over and pulling down notification drawer.
This Head unit cannot be updated past 4.4 KitKat. (well 5.1.1 is available but its very slow) and its hard to find a widget that can do this.
Lifetime payment unlock
I'd rather pay a one time fee than reoccurring subs and the like. I love your work and have no issue supporting but I don't like monthly payments.
Automatically sync the clipboard to PC
Add the option for automatically syncing the clipboard to your PC without pressing the bubble icon on the phone and clicking on the notification on windows 10... Instead do that automatically...
Longer visibility of Notifications on Android TV
Nice, that I can see my Phone and Tablet Notification on my Android TV Screen, but it shows very short. It would be nice, if the notification would show for a longer time on my Android TV.
set clipboard on remote device action
action to set clipboard on another device to be same as current, presently join can open clipboard sharing menu, then send to device, but option in tasker to set clipboard on target device directly would be helpful
utf8 encoded filenames
Some providers implement the filename* spec (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Disposition) which contains the correctly encoded utf8 chars.
Here's an example: curl -I "https://content.dropboxapi.com/apitl/1/AeZwXtWZQr33YYhywOjP3pjXJoMZa9YSZsxhyaRNaDKdI5XPYeHP8lStv7kTpOzdVFJ60YpM5E1gkXf10A3KjUAFodcgQNjduNmV8f6tyRxZXSNbFWEX3aiW3IJOLLepy1OJUx7a7tNSCUv1G4nDha2rMgryHNQ9len-iPsnkgMQUL4x19A5xAyHKILQMh_taXF-bdE8T7NU86TkhV-_lMTqrXI25ROG71UAWJaA8rdt76tBBEDtxWw06zKh4QLc9PeR3a_7nYUsFfGhc2UVUO962SuSkNP3KV4FfTzjlaVechv7aNpEqS4-8ltAoMDgQYHtJ70c_5NDZIrdhOAtm0SKQqkSSftUUQ7DrI0ojZ1mjaOubQxT7PGa3wl1uI1wT2Rrsd-ReWbMjAbudB42l75oQCKUdJf7wEZ1lH5DbF51bCjERZ27_PPYctRkgDKBMFlgQtK-bGj-WsfpI4JzyN0Y"
Would be awesome if Join could use this filename* param (if present) for writing the file.
Thanks again for all your hard work on this app - I've been a loyal user for many years and still have found nothing that comes close to it :)
Local WiFi Join, without Internet
I think a Local WiFi connection without internet for Join will be very practical and useful...
I think there's a heavy use of join to connect devices which are not on us, but still within reach.
Like, mirroring notifications to PC, when my phone is in other room. Or sending file to multiple devices while working on a project. And getting it in few secs or getting notified of incoming calls or SMS.
I think a Local WiFi without internet connection can be perfect for such use. As data won't be send to external servers, So no doubt about
Chrome extension allow paste of picture from clipboard
I looked around and couldn't find a duplicate of this. My apologies if I didn't find it.
I would love to be able to take a screenshot on my computer that is saved in the clipboard and then be able to paste that image into the Chrome Extension.
I know that I can get around this by saving the image and then attaching the image to the conversation, but it would be very helpful to just be able to "paste" the image into the conversation.
Thanks for all of your hard work!
Option to disable opening new tab to login with google account for Join chrome extension.
Many times I do not want to stay signed into an account for the entire chrome session for good reasons (e.g. I want check mail on another account).
Yet the Join chrome extension always bugs me to sign in by opening a new tab. It is incredibly annoying to always be asked to sign into a Google account whenever I start a session because of this extension.
I now have around 6 tabs opened when I start my session with tabs from the last time that are all asking me to sign in! It's frustrating to close these tabs constantly!
PLEASE allow the
Add encryption support to the API
I think encryption should be supported by the API. It's easy to see the encryption method used by looking into the Chrome extension code, so clients which use the API can easily reproduce it. Security would be very much improved. Maybe a simple "encrypted=true" flag in the URL?
EDIT: I was able to make encryption work for notification text, but not for the notification title? Maybe I'm missing something? I think it should be documented.