Allow sending and receiving of SMS messages only when phone and computer are on the same wifi network.
For added privacy, similar to how we can allow notification mirroring on wifi only? NO idea how feasible this is.
Ability to delete text messages and/or conversations from Join history
I regularly use manual work-arounds to remove text messages and conversations from the Join SMS history. A method to do this from within the app/Chrome extension would be a great convenience.
Add package names to "Notification apps" list to make it easier to differentiate between apps with the same name
See here:
Search in Chrome extension (SMS/Phone tab).
Add option to search in Chrome extension (SMS/Phone tab).
Allow text selection then copy to clipboard in SMS messages history
Message history doesn't support text selection, making embedded url clickable would be nice too
time and date on notifications
is there way to get notifications time and date on your tablet in join. an example is you could have missed call from your phone can I get the time and date on the missed call. Thanks Jordan
Type of phone number when texting or calling
It would be helpful to know what type of number when texting or calling. I only noticed this when I got my new phone since I did not restore my SMS messages. When calling or creating a SMS there is no way to know what kind of number it is making it impossible to know what to text or call unless you have the numbers memorized
Chrome extension: push history content inside extension window
Content view at same window.
Unique per app API keys
It would be nice to have unique per app/domain API keys.
Emergency priority
Require acknowledgement from user for emergency priority. Play sound as alarm, continue to remind user until ack.
Under Review
option "only on wifi" for "auto send clipboard" mode.
Note: this apply to the Android App
Since there is already that toggle for notification, could be useful to have a similar one for auto send clipboard too.
Under Review
API shortcut in the Join Chrome extension
It would be nice if there was a shortcut for the Join API in the Join Chrome extension. Right now you have to go to the Autoapps website to access it or have the direct link save as a bookmark. Here is an example of how it could look, https://goo.gl/aPZfbH
Save contact and message automatically in floating list for fast messaging
Maby a good idea? I run sometimes in to a situation that I just want that I send a question to a contact. That has send me a message a day of two ago.
Default App for pushed notifications
Option to choose which App opens when clicking a pushed notification (Android)
Customize all aspects of notifications via API
Be able to set expanded text, expanded title, expanded icon, subtext, color, LED color, content info, big picture, visibility (public or private), progress bar properties of a notification via the API
Systemwide PC screenshot
Option to grab a PC screenshot via your Android device