
MMS Support

Add MMS support to Join so we can get group and image messages on other devices

13 replies

There's no way to show images directly, sorry!

The beta version is gone from the Chrome extension in the latest version :)

This is now available for everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUf_as08kEU


Great news! Thanks for all your hard work!  Do we still need to enable beta in the Chrome extension to use mms? 


Yes, very nice. Thanks! As it is now, I get a link with "view image". Is there a way to set it to show images automatically as standard?


Just signed up as a beta tester, Where should we report bugs or view existing bugs so not to add a duplicate?

Report any bugs here please: https://plus.google.com/communities/103404142485114012011

Please remember to enable the Beta options in the chrome extension before doing that though, it's under the "ADvanced" tab in the extension options. Thanks in advance!


Love the app. Thank you. Seconding the need to be able to initiate an MMS from the Chrome extension by adding more than one contact.


So I signed up for the Beta/tester.  How do I compose MMS or see MMS threads in the Chrome extension?

You have to enable the beta option under advanced in the chrome extension settings


I was that, thanks.  I now have the ability to see and send MMS.  However, how do I start MMS thread? I only have the ability to add ONE name to outgoing messages.

Also - and this is weird - I've lost some of my texts from previous threads. And contact names are now listed twice in the thread header.  Ex: my wife's thread with me now states "Wife, Wife, Me".  And our text history is gone from that thread, it just has the last text sent.

Finally, am not getting Chrome notifications of new messages.

Thanks, this looks like a really cool product but I'd like to iron out these issues before I buy the pay version :)


After some more testing it seems that my group chats are broken into two. One with only my replies, and then another with everyone else's replies. The one without mine also does not have a name. It would also be good if you added naming support such that the names aren't long strands of numbers.

Thanks, I'll try fixing these issues!


After you install the update, the next MMS message you receive suddenly triggers it to sync EVERY MMS message you've ever received. meaning you get inundated with tons of notifications for the next 20 seconds or so depending on how many you have to sync. Also the Chrome extension doesn't display the pictures it just says "picture" and clicking on the notification just opens it on your phone. 

It also doesn't integrate the MMS messages (group messages, pics etc) into the SMS lists on the the chrome extension. 

I fixed the first MMS sync for next release.

You are probably getting your messaging app's notification. You should disable that in the Android app's settings -> Notififcaitons -> Notification Apps


It should integrate with the normal conversation list. I'll try to figure out why it doesn't do that for you.


It didn't integrate the MMS messages into the SMS list on the extension for me either.


I can confirm that this is working on my phone / laptop with the chrome extension

This is now available in the beta

I got it to send an MMS on friday :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5w2LTx8IOM

It's a start!

It might even be nice to bridge the support for now: get group messages working first with a placeholder for the images "(picture)". More important to me to be able to view the group texts than the photos

My $0.02


Any updates on this?


I wanted to check up on this as well. Great work on the app so far, by the way! Donating extra was a no-brainer.

I have a new release ready to go which doesn't include this yet. It's focused on shared devices. The one after that one should have MMS integration


When could we expect the MMS features to come out? I've got a flood of people that would pay for Join if you released this.

Looks like it's close



When do you expect this to be released?