Local Network discovery with Shared Devices?


I use Join Query Devices in Tasker with my devices to trigger certain tasks if that device is on the local network. Idealy I'd like to do these with my wife's phone too - her Join account is in linked to her own Google Profile so within Join this is a 'shared device'. Using Join Query Devices in Tasker for any of the shared devices, always returns false for %joindevicelocalnetwork() even if on the same network.

Is there a way, perhaps in future versions, to have an option to allow local network discovery/sharing across shared devices? If this already exists, how do I do this?

I appreciate there is a work around in that I canĀ  set "allow unauthenticated local network" within Join, set a specific port and then do an HTTP request from my wife's phone to check if my device is on the same network (will return an HTTP response code of 200), but this seems inelegant.