
Local WiFi Join, without Internet


I think a Local WiFi connection without internet for Join will be very practical and useful...

I think there's a heavy use of join to connect devices which are not on us, but still within reach.

Like, mirroring notifications to PC, when my phone is in other room. Or sending file to multiple devices while working on a project. And getting it in few secs or getting notified of incoming calls or SMS.

I think a Local WiFi without internet connection can be perfect for such use. As data won't be send to external servers, So no doubt about the privacy breach. Also it will be faster as you don't have to rely on internet speed.

There is already an app called easyjoin on playstore which works on Local, without internet. Also it allows to control other devices. But it's not stable and is very new.

As we all love and trust Joao, I request if you can add this to our favourite Join :)

2 replies


I just registered to reply to this. This feature should've been built in from the start, I don't trust Google for my files nor anything and I as hell as sure don't trust Join dev to receive all the data it does on its server. Why didn't he developed the app to use LAN from the beggining instead of using third party servers is something that amuses me. I can't use the app if I'm concerned with my privacy. I hope this is implented soon.

You fellas should be worried about the security of dev server and how he uses your data, and yes I'm not talking of what he says he does, I'm talking of what he really does.

I don't know who is Joao, maybe he is known for something but I don't known him and even if I did knew who he is nothing would have really change, I mean, he must be my blood brother as for me to trust him blindly with my data, I don't trust people just because they seem to be nice guys.

I mean, this request has more than a year and is not even planned, come on. If the dev would want to maximize profit and only profit he gets is from in app purchase and donations then this would be the maximum priority as this will unload his servers and probably won't even need them anymore but no, it seems shady, isn't it? Is like he does wants us to use his server.


Hi not the dev and 10 months in the future (yay). Join is primarly built around google appengine (dev server) and firebase cloud messaging. Every time a file is sent on the local network join creats a temporary file share link with a token (ex That link is then pushed through firebase cloud messaging (joins appspot server is only used as a backup relay when FCM fails) to the recepient device which then opens the link and downloads the file. The same principle applies for google drive except instead of an ip and token its the google drive file download link.

Now here comes the problem when you are offline you loose the conneciton to google firbase cloud messaging and joins appspot server. As even the process of telling the other device relies on FCM or joins server the devices cannot see each other or transport the file share link. This is contrary to easyjoin wich primarly relies on local discovery and works offline. The main perk with join is that it will work on large public networks where devices aren't isolated from each other while easyjoin won't (at least out of the box).

This is now possible with the latest beta if you're using the Chrome extension.