
Add Join to the list of available apps in Social Share (after taking a picture with Android/Google Camera)

Basically allows you to easily share a photo to an app immediately after snapping the pic, without having to leave Camera or navigate to the picture.  Was originally going to only be available on the Pixel 4 phone, but now it seems that it's included with Camera for all Android phone models.

There's a detailed explanation of what it does here.  (Go down to the part about Social Share)  https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/10/08/google-camera-7-1-new-ui-social-share-framing-hints-apk-download/

Social Share settings screen where you select which apps to include (hopefully Join soon):     https://imgur.com/Q0Zuwlg

Social Share in use, pops up right after picture is taken:  https://imgur.com/pysnqna

4 replies

Do you happen to know what makes an app show up as a social share app?


Apparently, they looked at the code over at XDA Developers to see how it worked.  I don't understand any of this stuff, but it seems like perhaps it's not open for adding any app to Social Share.  Scroll down to Social Share paragraph here:  https://www.xda-developers.com/google-camera-7-1-depth-photos-social-media-social-share-supported-apps/

Can you please check if AutoNotification shows up as such an app?

Ah yes, seems to be hardcoded into the Photos app. I don't think I can add it, sorry!

Any luck on a chance anyone has figured this out? I use the non-Play Store version of Telegram and that doesn't appear in the menu.