Edge, please 🤞🏻.

I have been a loyal Chrome user for more than a decade, within the same month I switched to the new Edge browser I discovered join which was awesome for the three seconds before figuring out it does not work with Edge. Please add Edge support in the near future. In the mean time I will still support the devs with donations and use Join on my android and the sub par Windows store apps

4 replies

Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately Edge doesn't support push in either extensions or web pages so it's not really possible for now. Hopefully Microsoft will take the time to properly implement everything. :( Really appreciate your support!!!


Is there a name for this command or something on Edge Dev we can vote on to help get it implemented? 

Or even commands you need to make this happen? I love join and so far love the Edge beta. 


Can you implement it now, with this "new" edge?

looking for this support as well ... enjoying my move to edge from chrome, but missing Join!


What exactly is Edge missing that prevents Join from working with it? 

Hi there. The problem with the Edge Browser is that it doesn't support an API that allows it to receive push messages, which Join needs. I've reported it here: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/edge-developer/issues/449 . Hopefully there'll be a workaround some time!


If this isn't going to work for Edge, I'm going back to Chrome. I was looking forward to switching as I heard it's working faster, but this is a deal breaker for me!