Filter notifications to send based on notification channels

Some apps like Tasker, they give different types of notifications, some important some less important. It would be great if Join can selectively send notifications based on the notification channels.

For example the Tasker app:

I have tasks set up to give me reminders for stuffs. I can set it to use notification channels that I created. These are to me, important notifications from Tasker that I would want it to be seen on my desktop. 

I also have apps that uploads files to Google Drive. Tasker shows notifications when uploading files to Google Drive, and most of the time it uploads more than 20 files. These type of notifications are using Tasker's default notification channels. I do not want these notifications showed on my desktop. (Moreover these notifications exist for less than a second, because the files are so small and uploaded so fast. On my desktop these 20+ notifications just pop up and disappear rapidly.)

I'm not sure if an app can see the notification channel of notifications from other apps, but it would be great if the users could choose to send only notifications from only certain notification channels.