Email notifications: Show subject only

As of now, the whole body of an email is included in the notification in the Chrome context notification tab.This makes some notifications very long, and you have to scroll way down to read the other notifications, or dimiss the email one.

Idea: Make on option for showing only the subject for email notifications.

3 replies


any word on this? seems more like a small bug to me than a feature request? showing the full message makes emails pretty cumbersome in the notification window. added an image of it in my original forum post here. thanks!

It's not a bug because some people (like me) actually like this :) I have to figure out what the best way to do it is before I actually change something about it. Hope you understand.


That's fair, thanks for the fast reply. Mine tend to be super long and make it hard to read the email notifications but I could see how some people might like this. Thanks!