Separate individual texts as a messenger app would, displaying name and a profile picture if possible.

In the title. From osnapitsjoey on reddit

3 replies

How are you even getting group messages? It doesn't even support it.


Yeah this is what I Meant (pay no attention to the actual convo, I just grabbed that picture off of Google 


Now with your app, this is what I see in group messages


https://goo.gl/photos/AWwhTmJYUSnE6MG29 <¬ incase that second pic doesn't want to work. 


I also have a general question in regards to the app as well if you wouldn't mind answering. 


Thanks for reading, you're a kick ass dev. 

CAn you clarify what you mean by "separate individual texts"? It's already showing separate bubbles for each test.

There's a request for contact pictures here: https://joaoapps.helprace.com/i8-pictures-for-sms-contacts